I've just become self-employed. What do I do next?
Having become self-employed, you will need to inform the Inland Revenue soon as possible. We will be able to take you through every step of updating Inland Revenue and to offer you guidance as to how to start recording your income and expenditure immediately.
Why does accounting matter?
Accounting information helps you deal with tax, unexpected events and to strategically manage your company and its finances. And the ability to think strategically about where your money is going will help you more productively use your resources.
How can using accounting services help me manage my business?
By allowing us to provide accounting services, you and your company will not have to endure the hiring process and lose valuable time and money training, keeping financial administration up to the required standard. Freeing yourself and your employees to focus on business growth.
Will I lose control if the books handled by an outside service?
Quote the contrary. You actually have more control since our experts are better trained and technologically facilitated to tailor the service for your needs. You just need to simply state your requirements and our experienced team will handle the rest. More time for you to carry out your work, rather than simply reacting to events within your business.
Who will make the decisions?
You have 100% control of all money and the decision making. We provide the data, the recommendations and the requirements by law; ultimately, you decide how your finances for your company are handled.